Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We have had a pretty low key Valentine's Day (most things have been low key since having Ellington!), but we have had a great day! We went to church this morning and came right home to get Ellington to bed. She won't sleep in the nursery...too much to see I suppose! By the time we get home from church she's been awake almost 4 hours, so she is exhausted! I put Ellington down for her nap and Robert went to Bulldog Deli to pick up lunch...yum! So we had our little Valentine's lunch at home and watched the Olympics. Ellington slept for THREE which time I woke her up so we wouldn't totally be messed up the rest of the day schedule wise. Ellington is swinging now and Robert's taking a nap (he has to work tonight)...Happy Valentine's Day from the Connerleys!

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