Robert had to work Saturday afternoon and evening (gasp!) so Ellington and I headed to Philadelphia. My Pappaw was named Neshoba County's Citizen of the Year! He was honored at a banquet this week, but Reagan and I couldn't attend so we had our own little banquet for him! Again, terrible with taking pictures this weekend...I don't even have a picture of the Citizen of the Year!
Playing with Pop
Loving Aunt Reagan
Papaw's sign that Reagan made. I contributed the paper! :)
The other reason we were in town for the weekend was that my "home" church was having a special Sunday. They were beginning revival, but it was a special revival...not just some preacher and music minister you haven't ever heard of. For their revival they were having an old pastor and music minister from the church come back to lead. These men were leading the church when I was little, like baby-preschool age. On Sunday morning they had a special emphasis and invited all old members back and had a lunch afterward. It was a really fun and special time. (I feel like my explanation of that was really weird, but maybe you understand!). Anyway, Robert ended up not having to work on Sunday (yay from small miracles!!!) so he drove down Sunday morning to join us. Here's where the hard part came in.... I didn't want to leave Ellington in the nursery because she cries a lot in our own nursery and she goes there every week! I saw no point in taking her to a different nursery to cry for a whole hour for no reason. My mom offered to stay in the nursery with her, but I didn't want my mom to have to miss the service. So, we decided to take her into church with us. The plan was for Robert to take her out when she got to loud and/or fussy. I figured we would make it through the music portion and then she would have to leave once the preacher started. Well, let me tell sweet girl stayed for the WHOLE hour and half that we were there! Amazing! She did so awesome! We've always wanted her to come to church with us so it was a special time...and on top of that it was successful!
Here's Ellington in church. How sweet is she?! (I took this before church in case you are wondering why in the world I was taking pictures during church!)