This past weekend we went to Olive Branch to celebrate Brody's FIRST birthday and Connor's FIFTH birthday! How are these kids getting so old?! Brody's party was Friday night and it was a "Little Man" theme because that's their nickname for him....and because it's a PRECIOUS party theme! In our invitation we were asked to dress "dapper". I didn't really know how to do dapper for E (without purchasing anything) so I just let her wear a tutu. :) Brad and Julie did an AMAZING job with the party. It was so adorable...and so FUN!
Brody, the birthday boy! How precious is his outfit?!
I loved his monthly pictures with mustaches! Too funny!
Everyone wore sticky mustaches. Ellington DID NOT like me wearing one!
He didn't like getting his hands dirty so this was his technique...
Pin the mustache on Brody!
Ellington loved playing blackjack!
We also played a game where we tossed hats, Brody trivia, and Bingo. We were awarded chips throughout the night and at the end we had an auction!
When we got back to the hotel Ellington was WOUND up. Here she is while she was jumping on the bed after 10 pm. Ha!
We had to rest up because Connor's Super Hero party was coming up the next day!
You did such a great job taking pictures! I did awful! That may be because we had the birthday party time a little confused, bummer! But, either way, you made up for my lack of picture taking! Way to go! and such a cute picture of the Mimi and Big Bob with all their dapper grandkids!!