I have been foot loose and fancy free the past day and a half. My parents took Ellington with them back to Philadelphia Sunday afternoon. It was kind of a last minute thing (which is sort of a long story that had to do with the possible government shutdown, crazy but true). So, it wasn't anything I had been looking forward to nor was it for any particular reason (like I had something to do or was going somewhere). And let me just tell you, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. Don't get me wrong, I CAN'T WAIT to see Ellington tomorrow afternoon, but it has been a nice break. So here's a rundown, in no particular order, of what I've been up to:
Bubble bath (first since I was a kid...heavenly)
Dining uninterrupted (2 date nights!!!)
Sleeping all night (E wakes me up through the baby monitor all.night.long.)
Meal Planning
Dining outdoors at McCalisters after work enjoying a sweet tea & cookie...blissfully alone
Driving with my handsome man
Washing and putting away all clothes and towels
Dreaming (& planning) about a home business
Sleeping a tiny bit later
Money meeting with the man of the house
I feel like for the first time while having a little break from Ellington I was really able to balance getting things done with relaxing. It was the perfect mixture this time and just what I needed (although I didn't realize that I needed it so much). The best part about it though is that I know Ellington is well taken care of and perfectly happy! But tomorrow I know we'll both be glad to see each other. :)