Monday, August 26, 2013

This and That

Hey everyone!  I really want to get better about updating so that I can remember all about this time and life with 2!  We've had a hard time with Finley.  If she isn't eating or sleeping, she is almost always crying.  She cries A.LOT.  We love her and we'll keep her :) but yeah...lots of crying!  Ellington cried a lot too so I guess we just have fussy babies?!  So, I haven't taken a ton of pictures and we don't "do" much but here is a little update!

A couple of Saturdays ago, our friend Wade turned 2!  I can't believe he is 2!!!! It really feels like he was just born!  They had an outside water party because August in Mississippi is HOT, right?!  Well, that Saturday morning it was COLD.  Ha!  What are the odds??!!  Ellington mainly stuck to the bouncy house and didn't want anything to do with the water!

Ellington and Thomas kept the bouncy house bouncing :)

This was Finley's first birthday party to attend!

And here's the birthday boy, Wade!  He cracked me up.  It was sooooo cold but he had a BLAST in the water!

I didn't get any pictures of the cake, presents, etc. because I was feeding Finley while all of that fun was going down.  It's fun watching friends have babies and then being able to watch them grow up! :)

Here's a RARE picture of Finley sitting in her little seat and NOT crying.  I think that's why I took the was a big milestone. I am pretty sure this lasted about 3 minutes though.

The dance bag that Grams ordered for Ellington came in and she was SO excited to take it to dance class last week!

Sweet sisters!  Going anywhere lately is ummm...a challenge.  It will get easier, right?! 

Thursday of last week Grams came to visit and we were so happy to have her!  She came back again on Saturday evening and brought Pappaw and Pop with her too.  They let Robert and I run out for a quick date!  Woohoo! (Finley wasn't too fond of our date plans)  Saturday night was the first time I had ever been away from Finley at all!  It was funny when I realized I hadn't even run an errand or anything by myself in almost 8 weeks!

Every now and then we get a happy baby for a few minutes! Those smiles are PRICELESS when they happen!!!

Contemplating when she should start crying ;)


  1. You are surviving! She is a cutie! I remember after having Sarah doing stuff alone and it was weird! still is. It will get better!

  2. I love our little fusser. She's a sweetie even if she does cry.

  3. You got better pics at Wade's party than I did! Haha.
