Friday, April 23, 2010

Boo and Hooray

-Ellington is now sitting up for a few seconds (like one...haha) before falling over. Hooray!

-Ellington has gone from already taking really short 45 minute naps to even shorter 30 minute naps. Boo! I don't know how to fix that problem, but something has gotta give!

-Weight Watchers is going really great! I actually really like doing it and like exercising...crazy for me. Hooray!

-Robert not only has to work this weekend, but he has to work Friday AND Saturday night. BOO! He worked all last week, including Friday night...went back to work Sunday night...worked all week and will work Friday and Saturday....then straight back to work Sunday night. Poor guy. We miss him.

-Because of Robert working we are going to miss another party for Daniel and Laura. Boo! Sorry guys!!! We so wish we could be there.

-Tonight is my splurge meal of the week and we are going to Oby's! Hooray!


  1. Glad she is working her way to sitting up. Sorry Robert is having to work so much, but I guess the overtime will be nice. Also, glad WW is going well for you. Now if I could just get motivated for the exercise part. Hope you enjoyed Oby's.

  2. awww, i bet she looks so cute sitting up! you should be able to get her to sleep 1-2 hours at least twice a day. it was hard getting hunter on that schedule (i think at 4 mos he'd nurse at 8am, 12, 4pm, and 7pm...then take naps at 10 and 2... then go to bed right at 7 after the last feeding) and took a lot of me letting him cry (which made me want to cry!) but, when he got used to it i felt like a million bucks! i had a lot of time to get things done during those naps. you are a fantastic mommy so don't worry about it! have a great weekend! good job on ww!!!
