Ellington, you turned 16 months old a week ago! You are growing up so fast! What are you up to at 16 months old?
- You wear size 18 month clothes and a size 4 diaper
- You weigh 25 pounds
- You have started taking a few STEPS! Hooray!!!! We are so so proud of you!
- You usually go to bed around 7:30 pm and wake up around 7:15 am. You typically take a nap from 1-3
- You are still a bread/carb girl, but have recently required a LOVE for mandarin oranges
- You eat yogurt every morning for breakfast and then follow it with either graham crackers or Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal
- You only drink water or milk
- You want to read ALL of the time
- Your vocabulary continues to amaze us
- You call out for "Mama" or "Dada" when you wake up
- You had a double ear infection your whole 15th month and have carried it over into your 16th month
- You love to "talk" on the phone and usually say "hello" and "bye bye" over and over again
- You go to school 5 mornings a week now with Mommy
- You go to physical therapy once a week
- You love necklaces, bows, and sunglasses! Such a girly girl
- You aren't as easy to take to a restaurant as you once were!
- You look at things that you aren't suppose to touch, pull on, etc. and say "no no"
- You say "hi" and wave when you get in trouble
- You have learned to put the rings on your ring stacker. You have always been able to take them off, but you can know put them back on too!
- You have started saying the names of the other kids at school
- You still love music and dancing
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