Monday, August 30, 2010

A Bite, Bubbles, and Blue Jeans

Ellington has had a few more first in the past few days! She got her first mosquito bite Friday morning when we walked outside to throw away a diaper. I think it's a miracle that we live in Mississippi and we made it all summer without a mosquito bite! I was a fanatic about using Off Wipes when we were outside this summer and I guess it worked!

Friday evening Ellington and I went to Wal-Mart and I saw some bubble bath and thought a bubble bath would be a fun Friday night activity! It was definitely funny to me, but Ellington didn't enjoy it very much. She wasn't sure about it at all and then she tried to eat the bubbles....and then got very upset when they didn't taste very good! So, we'll have to put the bubble baths on hold for awhile!

What is this stuff?

Maybe I should taste it?


Another first Ellington had this weekend was wearing blue jeans. They were little cropped blue jeans and so cute! I am not a fan of jeans on little babies because I think that babies should be comfy and cuddly (and jeans just aren't) so Ellington hadn't worn any yet. She looked so much older in them! :)

I am really enjoying hearing from everyone who reads my blog on my previous post! There are several of you that I had no idea were reading! :) It's nice to have you. If you haven't commented on the post, please do and let me know you are here! Writing to someone other than myself is more fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww....I hate the mosquito bite. She does look cute in those jeans and she is getting to be such a big girl. I like her cuddly, too. Even though she doesn't like to cuddle.
